Responsive Design

ProSure+ is designed to work across a wide range of devices, including desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone, ensuring you have access to the latest version, wherever you are.

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In addition to being keen practitioners of Best Practice within our own field of Software Development, we at ProSure+ are very aware of and strive to adhere to the main principles embodied in the ISO 9001:2015 standard. We make every effort to ensure that our software meets and where possible, exceeds ISO and BS standards.

ISO/IEC 27001

ISO 9001:2008

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Cloud hosted

Take advantage of robust cloud hosted software, automatically scaling to meet your demands.

Managing and controlling identity and user access to your environments, data and applications by federating user identities to Azure Active Directory and enabling multi-factor authentication for a more secure sign-in.

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Microsoft designs its software for security from the ground up. They build security into software code following an approach known as the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL).

ProSure+ is hosted on Microsoft secure servers, with full back ups and fall-over clustering.

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